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Veronica is Lance's sister in Voltron: Legendary Defender. She is an analyst working at the Galaxy Garrison. Veronica fought against Sendak and the Fire of Purification as part of the Atlas' crew.


Season 7[]

Veronica leads a small team, via underground transport, to an underground storage location outside of Garrison grounds to get much-needed supplies for the Garrison, who were being besieged by Sendak's forces. The members of her team are the four MFE pilots: James Griffin, Ina Leifsdottir, Nadia Rizavi and Ryan Kinkade. While in the process of loading the transport with supplies, the team is attacked by Sendak's forces. Veronica provides covering fire, allowing the team to escape the ambush with the supplies, apparently sacrificing herself in the process. The four-person team are able to return to the Garrison, despondently reporting to Garrison leadership that Veronica did not survive the mission. After a period of several days, Veronica returns to the Garrison. She reports that she encountered an organized resistance cell who were attempting to overthrow Sendak, who at that point had successfully conquered all of Earth outside the Garrison and enslaved humans. At a briefing with Garrison leadership, she shares intelligence that Sendak had imprisoned people in labor camps forcing them to work on a secret project.

After reuniting with her brother Lance, who she had not seen in roughly five years, Veronica and Griffin suspect that there may be an unsanctioned mission where the Voltron Paladins would attempt to rescue Hunk's parents, who were likely at a nearby labor camp. Their suspicions were proven correct, catching Keith and Hunk attempting to leave the Garrison. Hunk explains to Veronica and James that he wants to find out if his parents are okay. The two agree to help Keith and Hunk, clandestinely traveling to the labor camp. The team discovers that the labor camp is constructing what appears to be a large mine. They were also able to locate Hunk's parents, who are weary but alive. In a subsequent scouting mission, Veronica accompanies the five Paladins, Griffin and Kinkade to gather more intelligence on the mines. They discover that Sendak has the labor camp constructing a Zaiforge Cannon. The team successfully returns to the Garrison to report their findings.

Veronica later drives Lance to a predetermined location where he can psychically summon the Red Lion. During their trip the two are attacked by Sendak's forces. An explosion hurles them out of their vehicle, knocking Veronica unconscious. Lance is able to protect her sister from enemy fire until the Red Lion arrives, which easily dispatches the enemy. Veronica eventually regains consciousness and spends the rest of the season serving as a bridge officer on the Atlas, providing status reports to Shiro who serves as the ship's commander.

Season 8[]

On her last night on Earth before an extended off-world mission, Veronica returns to Cuba to have dinner with her family and Allura, who was invited by Lance. Veronica subsequently leaves Earth aboard the Atlas, serving on the bridge under Shiro's leadership. Much as she did at the end of Season 7, Veronica provides Shiro with various status reports. Later, Veronica attempts to befriend Acxa, who as one of Lotor's former generals, finds herself socially isolated on the Atlas. Acxa initially is distrustful of Veronica, but soon begins to warm up to her.

While on the Atlas bridge, Veronica and Acxa listen in on a status report from Keith. Both are suspicious of the report after Keith makes an off-hand comment about Lance that Veronica finds out of character for Lance. Curtis and Veronica subsequently discover that the Paladins have been sending a distress call that has been blocked by someone. Upon arriving at the location they find that the Paladins are being hunted by a group of pirates led by Zethrid, who was Acxa's fellow general under Lotor. The Atlas is able to easily defeat the pirate cruiser, but a tense standoff develops where Zethrid threatens to kill Keith who is being held at gunpoint by her. Acxa, Veronica and the four MFE pilots arrive at the scene but no one is able to line up a clear shot on Zethrid. Acxa attempts to talk to Zethrid but this only enrages her. When Zethrid turns to instead fire on Acxa, Veronica is able to shoot Zethrid, incapacitating her and saving Acxa in the process. Acxa is in stunned disbelief realizing that her former friend and colleague intended to kill her.

Veronica subsequently attends a number of important briefings while on the Atlas and serves on the bridge during battles. After the Atlas’ final battle with Honerva, Veronica is seen remaining in the Garrison.


Veronica is smart, resourceful, and dependable as a soldier. However, while Veronica consistently conducts herself in a manner of utmost professionalism, she also possesses a good natured sense of humor, teasing Lance about his romantic interest in Allura, and pointing out to Lance Allura's fondness for the Red Paladin.

Much like her brother, Veronica has a very strong sense of duty, with all of her humor and teasing melting away to reveal a focused soldier; who is not afraid to put herself on the line for the sake of the mission.


Veronica has the appearance of a young adult with a light brown skin, the same kind of thin eyebrows as her brother Lance, gray eyes with medium sized irises and a pair of rectangular glasses. Her hair is dark brown and reaches the base of her neck. It's seen to be slightly curled and cut off unevenly. Her bangs are parted slightly to the left. Veronica is quite tall, shown to be just a little taller than Hunk.

Veronica wears the standard Garrison armor; including a uniform with a white top part that changes to black from the chest down, with the logo of the Galaxy Garrison on the right sleeve and beige patches on the elbows, a gray chestplate with orange highlights, a pair of light gray gloves and boots in the same color.


  • Veronica is mentioned as early as Season Five, but her debut is not until Season Seven
    • Though Veronica alongside the rest of her family appear in a vision Lance has in "Some Assembly Required", though she is not specified and bears a slightly different design from her present appearance in season seven and eight.
  • According to Veronica; her siblings once brought a cat named "Flash" home who had imprinted solely on her.
  • Veronica once mixed dirt and water together and tricked her brother Lance into drinking it, claiming it was "chocolate milk".
  • Veronica also appears to have feelings or be infatuated with Keith as she asked Lance; to "put in a good word" for a date with him for her; although he refused.

