Voltron Wiki

Commander Trugg is a Galra Commander in season four of Voltron: Legendary Defender. She works directly under Zarkon after he starts a manhunt for Lotor.

Trugg is present at the Kral Zera ceremony to select a new emperor/empress of the Galra Empire. When Sendak defeats Warlord Ranveig, Trugg opposes Sendak, but is easily defeated by him.

Despite Lotor's ascension, Trugg is one of many commanders that does not submit or swear allegiance to him. Having learned of Warlord Ranveig's superweapon, her fleet battles Ladnok's for possession of it. Her forces are successful in infiltrating the base and she is able to capture Keith and orders Krolia's surrender. She reluctantly accepts Krolia's terms for a deal, as Krolia is the only one who knows the access codes to the weapons. Trugg releases Keith and allows him and Krolia to leave in exchange for the access codes. Once she receives them, she orders their ship to be shot down, but Keith is able to evade their fire and get them away safely. As Trugg uncovers the weapon, it is revealed to be a heavily mutated and violent monster that jumps out and attacks her.
