The Road Home is the second episode of the seventh season of Voltron: Legendary Defender. It was released on Netflix along with the rest of the season on August 10, 2018.
The Paladins stop at a base that belongs to the Blades, only to find it's been abandoned. But they come under attack before they can investigate.
Plot Summary[]
Although the Lions are not at fully strength, the Paladins are resolved to head to Earth, a trip that will take one and a half years. Pidge tries to contact the Voltron Coalition but has no luck. After having trouble sorting out who rides in which Lion, they eventually arrive at a Blade of Marmora outpost only to find it long abandoned.
As they try to investigate, the Paladins are attacked by a small Galra fleet. However, with their underpowered Lions, the Paladins are outmatched by the Galra. The Paladins fly into a cyclone and use an ice planet to their advantage in dealing with some of the Galra, but are eventually captured by Lotor's former generals, Ezor and Zethrid.
Featured Characters[]
"Wonderful. Now everything's covered in wolf drool!"
"Oh yeah, uh, he's uh, super drooly."
— Allura and Keith discuss Keith's pet Space Wolf
"Exus, plexis, ceedus, flee,
jaydus, nacto, pledum, ree
Joodum, ruu, and leeum too
That puts us just halfway through!
There’s mai-ox, kay, and jibley-way
Afus, nofus, youkus-play
Beefur, leefur, agus-play
At the end, flanko and blee!"
—Coran and Romelle teach everyone the Altean alphabet song, with...mixed results.