Voltron Wiki

General Mogor was a general in the Doom military.

Voltron: Defender of the Universe cartoon continuity[]

Mogor served as Prince Lotor's senior military advisor. He replaced Commander Yurak. He formed a rivalry with a young alien pilot called Karp.


After the Galaxy Alliance landed ground forces on Doom and wrecked Castle Doom, they promised to spare any enemy that surrendered. The nobles begged Lotor, who had been installed as king of Doom by the Drule Empire, to surrender to the Alliance. After he refused, Mogor and some soldiers entered the throne room to remove Lotor from the throne. Though outnumbered, King Lotor responds by cutting down Mogor and everyone else in the room. Mogor was almost certainly killed or severely injured as he has not been since. [1]


  • Mogor was called Morgil in "Lotor's New Hitman".
  • His Golion counterpart Gobra, was called Gibra in the same episode.

