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This article is about the Altean witch as she appears in Legendary Defender. For a list of other meanings, see Haggar (disambiguation).
We must always push into dangerous territory in pursuit of knowledge.

High Priestess Haggar, also known as Witch Haggar, was a major villain in Voltron: Legendary Defender. She served as the secondary antagonist in seasons 1 and 2, a major antagonist in seasons 3-6, and the final antagonist of the last season.

Haggar serves as leader of the Druids, an order of dark magicians that serve the Galra Empire and advisor to Emperor Zarkon. Haggar combines dark magic with abominable science to develop new weapons for the Galra, Robeasts to fight Voltron, and extracts Quintessence energy from living things and planets for the empire.

She later recalls her former life as Honerva, a gifted Altean alchemist and Zarkon's former wife and empress. Following the loss of both her husband and later her son Lotor, Haggar, now reverted back to Honerva, forsakes the Galra Empire and her Druids and recruits the hidden Altean colony, with the goal of traveling to a new reality where she can live in peace with her family. However, being rejected once again, an outraged Honerva tries to destroy all realities if there can be no place for her anywhere, until Voltron stops her and Allura finally cures her of the dark powers that controlled her for millennia. A repentant Honerva willingly sacrifices herself with Allura to undo the damage, saving all of existence and finally being reunited with her family in death.


Early Life[]

Honerva was originally an Altean born on the planet Altea more than ten thousand years ago. Very little is known of her early life, but she was once friends with King Alfor. The two studied alchemy together, for which Honerva graduated top of their class and later traveled the universe together.

Discovery of Quintessence[]

When planet Daibazaal was stuck by a mysterious comet one night, Alfor invited Honerva to lead the investigation into the crater created by the comet.

Honerva Past 1

Honerva in the past

Upon arriving, Honerva was introduced to the ruler of Daibazaal, Emperor Zarkon, after he was startled by her pet cat, Kova. The pair worked together to study the crater, which led to the discovery of a new power source that sparked a technological revolution for the system and the crater was actually a rift to another reality. Honerva and Zarkon soon fell in love and married. Continuing the experiments, Honerva became more obsessed with it, capturing a dark creature that was a resident of the other reality. This caused a massive dark beast escaped from the rift and she watched as Voltron was formed for the first time to stop it. Alfor suggests closing the rift to prevent more danger, but Honerva and Zarkon refuse and continue their work.

Years passed, Zarkon and Honerva conceive a son, which they name Lotor, and Honerva continues to advance science with her work on the rift, becoming more unhinged in the process. Kova gets sick during this time, but Honerva treats him with Quintessence, which extends its natural lifespan. It was then she becomes obsessed with the potential of immortality that Quintessence could give them. Her husband joins her obsession, and they try to convince Alfor of their cause too, but to no avail. Honerva grew sick from prolonged exposure to Quintessence and told her husband that the only way to save her was direct contact with the energy inside the rift. And so Zarkon tricked his fellow Paladins into using Voltron to go into the rift to save her. But they were both exposed to a combination of an overdose of the energy and the dark creatures from the other reality. Presumed dead, Alfor evacuated the planet and gave orders to destroy it to close the rift forever.

Transformation into Haggar[]

Haggar transformation 1

Honerva after her corruption

However, the two survived and were transformed and corrupted by the experience. Zarkon had become pure evil and rallied his armies to take revenge for their planet by destroying Altea, killing his former friend and enslaving the galaxy. Honerva, however, suffered a worse fate - losing all her memories, and sat shivering on the ground not knowing her own name. Zarkon called for a medic and the Galra medic named Haggar came to help, only for Honerva to drain the Quintessence from her body, killing her. A guard rushed in, calling her name "Haggar" over and over in front of her, thinking that is her name.

She later gave birth to Lotor, but without her memories of wanting a child, did not want to see her son and he was taken away. Afterward, she regains some awareness after Zarkon questions her about quintessence and if she can find him any, to which she agrees for her emperor. As time passes, Haggar also watches Lotor as she is raised from a child, excelling in his academic and strategic studies. He later takes ownership of Honerva's old cat, Kova. Years later, Zarkon and Haggar visit Lotor while he put in charge of a planet. Zarkon is angered that he chose to work alongside the populace instead of subjugating them and has the planet and its inhabitants destroyed and Lotor banished.

Serving the Galra Empire[]

Haggar zarkon 1

Haggar alongside Emperor Zarkon

Haggar serves the Galra Empire as Emperor Zarkon's advisor and High Priestess of the Druids, an order of dark magicians who are her eyes and ears. She and her Druids mostly continue experiments with quintessence to develop new weapons and technology for the empire and refine quintessence into fuel. It is thanks to Haggar and her Druids' advancements and harnessing of quintessence that has enabled the Galra to maintain its status as the most dominant force in the universe for 10,000 years. They also root out spies and brutally interrogate prisoners. Zarkon also makes use of her magic to track the Black Lion through his link to it as the former Black Paladin.

Once Voltron was reformed and defeated Sendak on Arus, Haggar builds a Robeast powered by the quintessence of Myzax, a feared gladiator and sends it to Arus to capture Voltron but fails. Later, Haggar tells Zarkon that her Komar experiment is ready and tests the device, which is powered by a ritual requiring the magic of her and four Druids, allowing her to extract the quintessence of an entire planet in moments, forgoing the need to mine and colonize planets and leaving the Galra free to spend their time hunting and capturing Voltron. She then uses the quintessence they just acquired to turn a laboratory lizard into Drazil, her most powerful Robeast yet, which is sent to the Balmera to fight Voltron, who fails again.

Haggar shiro 1

Haggar wounds Shiro.

After the Galra captured Allura from the Universal Station, Team Voltron attacks Zarkon's central command ship to rescue her. The Galra lure in Voltron and trap it with a solar barrier, then Zarkon makes use of Haggar and her Druids' magic to split apart Voltron using his link with the Black Lion. During Shiro's infiltration, he faces Haggar in battle, who is easily overwhelmed and injured by her powers until Allura and Hunk rescue him, forcing her to flee. She then manages to disrupt the wormhole they used to escape after the solar barrier is lowered by Thace.

Haggar points out that sabotage is the only way Voltron could have escaped, implying there is a spy in their ranks. Zarkon suspects that Commander Prorok is the culprit and has him taken to the Druids to be interrogated, then appoints Thace to lead the investigation to find the spy. After which, she transforms Prorok into her latest Robeast to bring down Voltron but is defeated by Ulaz's sacrifice.


Haggar enhancing Zarkon

Later, the Paladins of Voltron figure out that Zarkon is tracking them through the Black Lion, and Shiro succeeds in strengthening his own bond while weakening Zarkon's, stopping any more attempts to track them. Haggar and her Druids continue efforts to search for the spy in their ranks, by interrogating suspects and examining the destroyed sentries from the earlier battle, finding residual luxite metal on the damage done. Meanwhile, Haggar works on a battle armor mech for Zarkon to fight Voltron, while Zarkon himself is determined to find the Black Lion using Haggar and her Druids' magic, growing more obsessed and raising Haggar's concern.

Haggar without hood

Haggar's revealed as an Altean.

Eventually, the Druids find the spy, Thace, a Blade of Marmora agent and take him to Haggar's interrogation lab to be tortured, but he escapes as the Paladins work with the Blades to lead Zarkon and his fleet into a trap. Haggar works to stop the spy from shutting down their system, but is too late, allowing the Paladins to shut down power to the Galra command ship. As Voltron systematically attacks the ship, Zarkon leaves to fight Voltron in an untested battle armor mech, while Haggar and her Druids use the Komar and barely manage to drain the pure quintessence from Voltron, but the Paladins regenerate enough power to fight. Haggar continues to use the Komar to fight Voltron alongside Zarkon, until Allura and Blades of Marmora, Kolivan and Antok, arrive to stop Haggar directly. The dark magicians manage to kill Antok, but the Druids are defeated in the end. While Allura fights Haggar, she discovers she is Altean and Allura finds out she can absorb Haggar's magical attacks to destroy the Komar for good, forcing Haggar to flee. Later, Haggar puts Emperor Zarkon on life support after the battle, prompting her to summon Prince Lotor.

Summoning Prince Lotor[]

Haggar restoring Zarkon

Haggar bringing Zarkon back to life

Haggar continues to care for Emperor Zarkon while still on life support in his chamber, allowing no one to see him. As Lotor leads the empire, Haggar worries about the path he is taking the Galra toward, distancing himself from Central Command as Voltron and growing rebel forces take vast territories on his watch. She sends spies to watch his battle cruiser and report any suspicious behavior, but Lotor deals with them, asserting that he is leader, but is not his father.

To revive Emperor Zarkon, Haggar reluctantly uses her dark magic to seize control of his mind to wake him up. In the process, she sees his memories of her past self and what he had to do to save her long ago. With Zarkon's revival, he returns to the throne and relieves Lotor. Haggar, still suspicious, spies on her through her connection to Kova, now attached to Narti, one of Lotor's generals. She discovers that Lotor acquired a trans-reality comet and is building ships from the ore and notifies Zarkon, who sends a fleet to hunt him down. Lotor discovers how he found out and immediately kills Narti to stop Haggar's spying on him.

Haggar ritual

Haggar using a ritual to manipulate planet Naxzela.

With the mobilization of the Voltron Coalition planning to take back a third of Galra Empire in a single, coordinated attack, Haggar takes action while Zarkon is busy hunting Lotor. She has the Galra disable the Zaiforge Cannons the rebels have commandeered and Haggar and her Druids begin a ritual using a machine powered by dark magic to manipulate the planet Naxzela where Voltron is attacking, entrapping it on its surface with intense gravity. The Paladins discover that Haggar plans to turn the planet into a bomb that will wipe out Voltron, the Blades of Marmora, and the rebel forces in one stroke. Voltron escapes her trap using Allura's Altean abilities, but Lotor is the one who destroys Haggar's machine and stops her plan, forcing her to retreat to safety.

Zarkon's Death[]

While Zarkon is busy on a hostage exchange mission with Team Voltron to trade Lotor in return for Sam Holt, Haggar uncovers more of her past memories with a magic ritual and discovers that Prince Lotor is her biological son. After this, Haggar finds out about the hostage exchange, believing Lotor is in danger. In response, she orders the activation of stage four of "Operation: Kuron." This resulted in the current Shiro secretly giving Lotor the Black Bayard to battle Zarkon, with resulted in the latter's demise at the former's hand.

Haggar sendak

Haggar appointing Sendak at Kral Zera.

With Zarkon's death, the Galra Empire is left in turmoil as their leaders plan to take the throne. Haggar deals with assassins sent to kill her and recruits Lotor's former generals, Acxa, Ezor, and Zethrid in a plan to keep Lotor from becoming Emperor (and presumably out of danger), by sending them to retrieve the missing Sendak to be her unwitting puppet to delegate for the throne at the Kral Zera. While it looks like Sendak will become Emperor, Lotor arrives in the Black Lion with Shiro and duels Sendak. When bomb explosions set by Keith and Marmora agents send the ceremony into chaos, Haggar and her recruits escape in the confusion, while Lotor officially becomes the new Emperor.

Haggar spies on Team Voltron and Lotor through Shiro, who is revealed to be a clone magically linked to Haggar. Through him, she learns that they discovered the route to Oriande, the birthplace of Altean alchemy, which she has been searching for her whole life. Haggar and her generals travel to Oriande, which the guardian deems her worthy to enter. Haggar enters the temple, passes the trials, and gains the power of Oriande, which allows her to restore her original identity as Honerva.

Lotor stands before Haggar

Honerva reveals herself to Lotor.

When the Voltron Paladins turn against Lotor upon the revelation that he has been harvesting Quintessence from thousands of Alteans, Honerva takes control of Shiro through her link, attacking the Paladins and escaping with an unconscious Lotor, while the generals steal the Sincline ships. Voltron engages them with Keith back as leader, but they escape through a wormhole created by Honerva. Keith alone follows them right into the middle of a Galra fleet. The clone Shiro hands Lotor to the generals before being ordered by Honerva to lead the Black Lion away from her fleet. Honerva greets Lotor, revealing herself as his mother, but Lotor renounces her and refuses to accept or acknowledge her as family. Acxa, having pretended to turn against Lotor to allow him to win the Paladin's trust, fires on Honerva, but she teleports before the shot hits.

Voltron's Disappearance[]

Honerva profile

Honerva revealing her true self

After Lotor's fight with Voltron, Honerva desperately tries to find him, sending Commander Mar for the task as Haggar. Honerva tries to magically sense his location, then travels to his destroyed warship, reuniting with Kova. While the empire is in chaos, the Druids seek Haggar's leadership, but she forsakes and abandons them. Eventually, Commander Mar is found in a near-death state and Haggar awakens him with dark magic. She questions him about Lotor's whereabouts and learns about his battle with Voltron and fate in the Quintessence field. She calls forth the next Kral Zera to decide the next emperor, where Honerva reveals her true self and kills the Archivist, declaring her intention to end the Galra's "traditions of evil" that she believes tainted Lotor, by annihilating all the Galra leaders present with an enormous display of dark magic.

Later, in a last attempt to know Lotor's whereabouts, Honerva performs a ritual using the Kral Zera flame that represents him and Kova as a living sacrifice. The spell works as her mind floods with the events leading to Lotor's demise, before seeing his Sincline mech drifting helplessly in the Quintessence field, finally accepting her son's death. After that, Honerva travels to the hidden Altean colony and introduces herself as the mother of Lotor, then deceives them into swearing their allegiance to her by explaining that Lotor was killed by Voltron. Honerva leads the Alteans to Oriande where they restructure the temple into their new base and build new Komar Robeasts.

Honerva (as Haggar) orders Sendak to use his growing fleet to take over Earth, suspecting the Voltron Paladins will return there, which they do in the three years since they disappeared. Rather than capture the Lions, Honerva orders Sendak to destroy them. After that, Honerva sends Luca, the first acolyte, to pilot her new Robeast to Earth to destroy Voltron and avenge Lotor, but Voltron defeats both Sendak's armada and the Komar mech with help from their new IGF-Atlas battleship.

New Plans[]

Komar mech

Honerva's new Komar Robeasts

Having forsaken the Galra Empire and lost interest in Voltron, Honerva now wages war against Galra and Voltron forces alike. She now wishes to reunite with Altea and live in happiness with her husband and son, which is only possible by searching other realities and finding the perfect one that suits her desires. Honerva sends her new Robeasts piloted by her Altean followers across the universe using wormholes to fight her enemies, gather materials, and steal energy needed to power her rituals. Honerva also infuses her acolytes with dark entities to link them to her. This allows them to safely pilot her Robeast mechs, but also lets Honerva see and hear everything they do and induce comas if they give up intel, like she did to Luca.

She later sends a Robeast to attack Olkarion to drain the planet and steal the weaponized cubes, forcing the inhabitants to evacuate their home. The Voltron Paladins learn of the events that happened here and information on how to track the energy signatures of Honerva's wormholes, which reveals more Robeasts touching down on multiple planets and waiting inside particle barriers.

Honerva sincline

Honerva brings back and achieves total control of Lotor's mech

Eventually, Honerva begins the next phase of her plan, by having the Robeasts use their Komars to siphon quintessence from the planets they landed on, then transmit the energy from across the galaxy to Oriande and concentrating it using the stolen Olkari cubes to perform an intergalactic ritual for an unknown purpose. Voltron and the Atlas attack Oriande directly and face opposition from Komar Robeasts outside and inside the ancient land. During the ritual, Honerva drains the White Lion's quintessence and destroys it before Allura's eyes, creating a rip in the fabric of reality. Eventually, Honerva completes the ritual, her true purpose being to retrieve the Sincline mech and her son, Lotor, from the void. The unstable Lotor savagely attacks Voltron and any mech that comes near, separating Voltron. Allura leaves the Blue Lion to attack Honerva as she stops Lotor with her enhanced magic while targeting the Red Lion and traps Allura in a dark illusion. Inside, Honerva tries to convince Allura to join her side, but she refuses, then points out if Allura strikes her down, Lotor will kill her teammates without her to keep him at bay, forcing Allura to break off her attack when Honerva releases her, after which Honerva brings Lotor under her total control. The events that occurred cause Oriande's white hole to start collapsing, forcing Voltron and Honerva's forces to escape in Oriande's temple which she turned into a ship.

After that, Voltron and the Atlas hunt the disabled Robeasts left behind from her intergalactic ritual and capture the Altean pilots, finding six in total. Allura and Romelle try to get information about Honerva's true plans but refuse to speak, until Hunk gives them an Altean dessert, which convinces them to open up to Coran and Allura. A pilot named Tavo speaks with Allura, but when Honerva interferes, Allura is able to extract the dark entity from Tavo that allows Honerva to control her acolytes. The creature is contained but it communicates with Allura while she is resting alone on the Atlas, feeding her haunting visions of Prince Lotor, her own mother, and Lance, convincing her to use the power of the dark creature to stop Honerva. She eventually gives in and lets the creature fuse with her body.

Paladins honerva desires

The Paladins discover Honerva's desires.

Initially reluctant, Allura and Voltron Paladins decide to use the entity's connection to Honerva to reach into her mind and figure out her plans using the shared consciousness of Voltron. As they travel through her mind, they discover Honerva uses traps and lost souls that she corrupted as guardians to protect her secrets, including the original Paladins and old enemies like Myzax and Zarkon. They defeat and purify the original Paladins and Zarkon, who help the current team. The Paladins eventually discover Honerva's deepest desire is to be reunited with her family, deducing she intends to use the trans-reality material of Lotor's mech to pierce through other realities where this is possible, but would destroy all other realities in the process. Honerva discovers the team's presence in her mind and takes control of Allura's dark entity. The Paladins are able to escape back into the real world with the help of the old Paladins, but Allura is put into a coma.

The End of All Realities[]

Honerva mech reality

Honerva succeeds in piercing reality.

Honerva is aware that the Paladins know her plans and uses this to her advantage as she uses her own Robeast mech to search for her ideal reality at the place where Altea and Daibazaal once existed. Once it is found, she reawakens Allura on purpose so she can wormhole the Atlas to her position. Then, she takes control of the imprisoned Alteans, helping them escape and using them to siphon and channel the energy from the Atlas's power crystal into her ritual. But Merla, one of her mech pilots, is horrified at Honerva's willingness to sacrifice her people and interrupts the process. Hunk arrives with a Balmera, but Honerva siphons its energy using Komar blades to restart her ritual, allowing her to fuse her own Robeast mech with Lotor's Sincline, creating the ultimate Robeast that can pierce through and destroy realities.

Despite Voltron and the Atlas' efforts, Honerva succeeds in opening a rift in reality and enters. Several more Balmera arrive and imbue Voltron and the Atlas with enough energy to fuse them together, allowing them to pursue and match Honerva's mech, while Coran and everyone else struggle to stabilize the rift. Voltron-Atlas follows Honerva through many alternate Alteas, each one disintegrating into nothing because of Honerva's tearing reality apart. Honerva battles Voltron-Atlas and drains their energy, leaving them to be destroyed as the realities disappear with them.

Honerva angry

Honerva is angered at being rejected once more.

Honerva arrives at her destination, appearing before an alternate Zarkon, who is elated to see his wife back, as Honerva had died in that reality. They travel to Altea, where a young Lotor is being raised in accordance with Honerva's wishes. However, Lotor rejects her, realizing instantly that she is not really his mother. When Honerva shows her true evil nature in her angry response, Zarkon also declares that she is not his wife and calls the guards to arrest her. Voltron-Atlas, revealed to have survived, appears in this reality and Honerva, heartbroken and angry at the sudden loss of her peace and happiness, decides to destroy this and every universe as she teleports to her Robeast, prepared to fight Voltron-Atlas in their final battle.

Redemption & Sacrifice[]

Honerva allura final

Honerva and Allura sacrifice themselves to save all realities.

As they fight, Honerva gains the upper hand and drains their quintessence to open another rift, which the team follows, to the source of all realities. Driven mad with rage, Honerva savagely destroys every reality that exists in sight until only one remains. After a desperate battle, Voltron-Atlas is able to drive Honerva and themselves to the connected consciousness of all existence. They work to convince her that while the universe has flaws and weaknesses, it is because of these flaws is how living beings can learn and grow stronger, something Allura reminds her of by showing Honerva her past memories of her past self, and finally cures her of the darkness that corrupted her for 10,000 years. Showing her memories of Lotor and Allura helping each other, she convinces Honerva to help her undo what she has done and repair the damage, as it is the best way to honor her son and knowing that the process requires every ounce of strength they have. After saying her goodbyes to the team, the spirits of the original Paladins and Lotor appear as Allura and Honerva walk toward them, signifying them moving on to the afterlife. Both Allura and Honerva are reunited with their old families in death as they give their lives to restore all of existence and send the Paladins back to their home reality, also restoring the formerly destroyed Altea and Daibazaal in the process.


Honerva madness

Honerva succumbing to madness.

In the past, she was originally a kind and gifted Altean alchemist named Honerva, whose daring and headstrong personality drives her to push boundaries in the pursuit of knowledge, but this took a turn for the worst when her obsession with quintessence worsened her health from prolonged exposure while exploring its potential for immortality. After Honerva died from Zarkon's attempt to save her, she was revived and transformed by the dark entities of the Quintessence Field, but she lost all memory of her previous life, acquiring the name "Haggar" and regained some awareness relating to quintessence for her and Zarkon's continued survival.

As Haggar, she is a cruel and twisted sorceress loyal to the Galra Empire with a reserved demeanor. She combines dark magic with science to create destructive weapons, brutally interrogate prisoners, and steal quintessence from planets to fuel the empire. Haggar's raw intellect and over 10,000 years of experience have left her all but peerless in her skills, causing her to be immensely confident when dealing with anyone near her level, making her especially surprised when she unwittingly unlocked Allura's hidden mystical potential and managed to overpower her, forcing her to retreat.

She is fiercely loyal to Emperor Zarkon, showing concern for his well-being when he grows more obsessed with getting the Black Lion and putting her life at risk to use the Komar to drain Voltron during their fight with Zarkon. Following Zarkon's comatose state after his battle with Voltron, Haggar keeps him on life support in his chamber, allowing no one but her to see him and summoning the exiled Prince Lotor to lead the Galra Empire and preserve Zarkon's life's work. However, his methods of ruling cause Haggar to question his priorities, forcing her to send spies to watch for any suspicious behavior. To finally wake Zarkon from his coma, seeing no other way, Haggar reluctantly uses dark magic to manipulate his mind to her will, and discovering events of her past life from his memories in the process.


Haggar looking at her former self.

Since reawakening some of her long-buried memories, Haggar has been performing rituals to unlock even more, finding out Prince Lotor is her own son. After passing the trials at Oriande, Haggar fully recovers her original identity as Honerva, but still keeps the dark entities that gives her power inside her. Honerva wishes to preserve the family she has, even as she was rejected by her son as his general, Acxa, shot her unsuccessfully.

After Lotor's demise, Honerva spent months tracking him in vain as Haggar, eventually deciding to abandon her Druids and end the Galra's "traditions of evil" she believed ruined Lotor, by calling forth another Kral Zera, so she could destroy every leader present. Honerva's deepest desire is now to live in peace with her family, which is only possible by traveling to another reality. For that purpose, she plans to retrieve Lotor's mech to pierce realities to find the perfect one to live in peace with, but at the cost of destroying many others in the process. But, when Honerva thought she achieved her happiness, she was once again rejected by the alternate Lotor and Zarkon. Outraged by this, she goes to the source of all existence to destroy all realities everywhere and nearly succeeded, until the Voltron Paladins convince her to stop her rampage and see the necessity of preserving life, with Allura curing her of the dark powers that controlled her for millennia. Though disheartened that there is nothing left to save, Allura changes the quintessence inside Honerva's vessel into a life-giving force to allow both of them to use every ounce of their magical abilities to restore all of existence, sacrificing their lives in the process. With this, Honerva is finally reunited with her family in the afterlife.


Honerva is an Altean alchemist who was corrupted by ancient evil entities like Zarkon, turning her into the dark witch Haggar, losing all memory of herself. Her magic is more powerful but has been twisted into a destructive force in contrast to life-giving Altean magic. She does not age or need any sustenance aside from quintessence to survive. Upon gaining the secrets of Oriande, she restored her original self as Honerva and has become even more powerful and dangerous. Her abilities are listed below:

Dark Magic[]

Haggar Dark Magic Ball

Haggar's dark magic

While having no combat skills, Haggar is highly accomplished at magic, made stronger by her transformation and with more than 10,000 years of experience. She can wield dark magic to project energy attacks and defend with shields, teleport for instantaneous movement, steal life energy, manipulate minds, levitate objects, and conjure magic circles for witchcraft at a wider range. She can also cloud minds with dark illusions and use magical senses to detect lies, ancient energies, and events across the universe. Haggar can also control living beings by infusing dark entities linked to her within them, allowing her to see and hear what they do, control their actions, induce and wake them from comas at will, etc. With the secrets of Oriande, she is capable of vaporizing a large group of Galra and controlling the Sincline mech.

The witch also uses dark crystals and magic amplifier devices to perform witchcraft on larger scales that can affect Voltron or entire planets, notably the Komar device. Haggar also disrupted a wormhole and made use of a machine to remotely control Naxzela's planetary mechanisms. With Oriande's knowledge and power, she can now operate wormhole generators and perform greater rituals powered by massive amounts of stolen quintessence to summon Lotor's mech from the void and fuse it with her own Robeast mech to gain its trans-reality material.

Altean Alchemy[]

Komar active

Haggar's Komar device stealing energy from planets.

She is also an expert scientist and Altean alchemist. As Haggar, she and her Druids experiment with magic and mechanics to create powerful machines and weapons used by the Galra Empire. The most notable being Robeasts to fight Voltron and the Komar device which extracts quintessence from entire planets. She also made Shiro and Sendak's robotic arms, Zarkon's Robeast armor and personal armored suit, and magic amplifier devices. With Oriande's knowledge, she is capable of building wormhole generators, Komar Robeasts, and her own personal Robeast mech, which harnesses her dark magic and uses Komar wing blades to attack and defend, steal quintessence, view other realities, and open destructive portals between them.

Other Skills[]

Haggar/Honerva is highly intelligent, evidenced by her magical and scientific achievements and having served as Emperor Zarkon's advisor for 10,000 years, able to make use of clever plans in addition to her magical powers and devices to defeat her enemies. Also, her Altean chameleon abilities allow her to change between her Haggar and Honerva appearances to fool the Galra.


  • Haggar's true nature as an Altean was revealed when Allura managed to take down her hood during their battle. It is not known how her Altean mimicking abilities relate to her current appearance, which appears to be the result of "dying" from over-exposure to quintessence and the dark creatures of a trans-reality rift. She is shown to being able to revert the skin color of her face and eye color to that of her original appearance, while her hands remain blue, though in "Omega Shield", she can fully revert her skin (including her hands) and eye color to her original appearance after her visit to Oriande. She uses this ability to keep up her appearance as Haggar around the Galra, until she renounced them at the last Kral Zera.
  • In the series, Haggar is one of the few characters capable of using magic.
  • She is fiercely devoted to Emperor Zarkon, risking her life to unleash a massive, quintessence-draining spell against Voltron during their battle with him. It has been revealed that she is his past wife and the mother of his son, Lotor.
  • Her original identity, Honerva, is a reference to her name in Go-Lion.
  • After the death of her husband in "Blood Duel", Haggar is the only villain to appear in every season so far, even if her season 7 appearance in "The Feud!" wasn't really her.
  • She, along with Zarkon, Lotor and Morvok, appear in the Season 7 Episode, The Feud!, as illusions. All four disappear when the paladins win.
  • During flashbacks as seen in The Legend Begins, Haggar is voiced by Lily Rabe instead of Cree Summer. Executive staff explains that a different voice actor was chosen to represent how Haggar is not the original person she once was. [1]
    • As Haggar regained her identity as Honerva, she is once again voiced by Lily Rabe.

