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Ezor was a general of the Galra Empire and one of Prince Lotor's top generals. She has a reputation for having been the "friendliest" of Lotor's generals, for she is very eccentric and enthusiastic. She is accompanied by her three friends and fellow former generals Acxa, Narti and Zethrid. After Lotor killed Narti, she was the first to doubt Lotor's intentions. It can be inferred that she is the closest to Acxa in terms of friendship.


Season 3

When Throk goes to visit Zarkon and is sent away by Haggar in "Changing of the Guard," Ezor is first seen spying on them while invisible, then materializing once they both leave the scene. Later on with the other generals she is seen in the crowd as Lotor defeats Throk and later when the await Lotor's return and she remarks how the whole spectacle went well.

In "Red Paladin" Ezor is tasked by Acxa to capture the leader of Puig. Ezor toys with him and supressed him to the ground in front of Lotor. Later on, she is seen reporting to Lotor about the status of the Blade of Mamora and the disappearance of the Black Lion. She, along with the other generals mans the Cruiser's weaponry once Lotor draws Voltron in a trap.

 Powers and Abilities

She is nimble and she uses her acrobatic prowess to attack enemies from all sides. She also has chameleon-like cloaking ability (similar to that of the Green Lion's) that is first demonstrated when she reveals herself spying on Haggar and Throk's conversation. It can be assumed that she has used this ability to spy on Haggar on multiple occasions. The cloaking is represented once more when she and the other generals reveal themselves following Lotor's challenge to Throk. While the other generals simply take off cloaks, she appears out-of-the-blue, clearly having been cloaked.[1] This allows her to infiltrate highly secured areas, retrieve information and run reconnaissance, and gives her the added element of surprise in combat.


Ezor's appearance bears little in common with that of the average Galran aside from her yellow sclera. Unlike the average Galran, her eyes possess visible pupils and irises. She appears tall with primarily red-orange skin. On top of her head she has a long, free-flowing appendage with is red striped with multiple different colors that resembles hair.

She dons the typical uniform seen on Lotor's generals with the addition of an extra layer of material underneath her armpits, similar to that of a wingsuit, that adds extra surface area to her sleek body. This has been shown to assist her in gliding safely.[2]


  1. Season 3, Episode 1 "Changing of the Guard"
  2. Season 3, Episode 2 "Red Paladin"