Similar to the Universal Station, Zarkon's Central Command System consists of both artificial and naturally occurring structures. Located at the heart of the Galra Empire, it serves as Zarkon's headquarters, a shipping destination for refined Quintessence, and is home to the majority of the Empire’s fleets.
So far, the system seems to contain:
- Three planets, at least two of which are gas giants, one of which has a moon.
- Four stellar megastructures (Niven Rings), with the outermost pair passing through said planets. One of the gas giants also appears to have an artificial ring.
- A superstation forming the core of the system.
- A solar barrier capable of encasing the entire system and defending it from attack.
- For a sense of scale, the smallest gas giant in the Earth's solar system is Neptune, with a diameter of 30,599 miles, vs. Earth with a diameter of 7,918 miles (approximately 3.86 times the size).
- While they’re not traditional Niven rings, the scale of the artificial structures in Zarkon's Central Command is still mind-boggling. Their construction would place the Galra Empire at the low end of a Type-II civilization on the Kardashev scale. The recent development of the ability to extract Quintessence wholesale from entire planets bumps them even higher.
- If it's a Command Solar System, where's the star?
- The main ship is about the size of the moon.