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"Bridge Over the River Chozzerai" is the sixteenth episode of the lion series of Voltron: Defender of the Universe.

Plot Summary

Thus the members of the victorious Voltron Force are enjoying a much-needed period of relaxation. A new bridge between Princess Allura's kingdom of Altair and the neighbouring realm of Heleena has been built, and for its dedication Allura is going to be taking part in a reinactment of a love story associated with its location: that of Kiere of Altair and Aldar of Heleena. She is to play Kiere, and she must choose someone to play the part of the leading man.

Lance, Hunk, and Pidge all want the part of Aldar; Lance (who apparently thinks he could take Hunk one-on-one) even suggests that they fight for it! Fortunately Pidge offers the alternative of card-drawing to determine the winner of the role, which turns out to be Hunk despite Pidge's attempting to bribe one of the Space Mice.


Princess Allura is a vision dressed as Kiere. Like virtually every other ancient/lost civilization in anime, Arus apparently went through a Greco-Roman period.

The day of the bridge's dedication, Allura and Hunk (with Nanny, who insisted on accompanying them for their own protection) launch in their respective lions and fly toward Chozzerai. Spying through her own blue cat, however, is the Witch Haggar, who hopes to use the weakness of their separation from the rest of the Voltron Force to Doom's advantage.

Haggar reports this information to Prince Lotor and King Zarkon, who are watching the latest gladiatorial contest for the coveted title of Robeast of the Week. Lotor eagerly leaves for Arus, fantasizing about the capture and submission of the Princess, while Zarkon prepares to send the victorious monster after him for support...once the beast has been appropriately altered....

Meanwhile, Allura has arrived at the Love Bridge and proceeds to diplomatically relate its fable in a way which may promote unity among Arusians in this troubled time. She and Hunk then commence the reinactment by running toward each other across the bridge...only to be rudely interrupted by Prince Lotor's Zapper ship emerging from the river!

He is nevertheless polite about it, stating "I hate to interrupt such a tender and touching scene, Princess, but you should be rushing to my arms!"

Featured Characters

Voltron Force

Other Arusians

Planet Doom


"I want to thank you four for all you've done for my planet. Since you arrived and we now have Voltron again, Planet Arus is gradually being restored to the wonderful world it once was. *Theme music changes as she touches a control panel in the room* Just look: this fine new bridge has just been completed. It connects our Kingdom of Altair with the Kingdom of Heleena. It's a vital link to bring all the people of this planet together, but it has a deeper meaning to all the people of Planet Arus. One of our most famous legends is the beautiful story of the Love Bridge, which is said to have existed right in that very same place!'

'It is told that many, many years ago, there was a young girl from the Kingdom of Altair who was very much in love. The object of her devotion was a young man who lived in the Kingdom of Heleena far across a broad inlet. ... But, because the kingdoms of Altair and Heleena were continually at war, the two could never be together; all the bridges between their lands had been destroyed, but they didn't give up hope! Their love was much stronger than the petty problems between their kingdoms, and so to be together they began to build their own bridge, stone by stone. [They] threw stones into the sea to build a bridge between them. No matter how many stones they threw, the task seemed impossible. Then one day something very special happened: the 'goddess of love' decided to help them! So, to bring them together, she created a magical bridge from the water!"

- Princess Allura introduces the episode and confuses the audience with additional information regarding the political structure of Arus (raising such questions as "How can she be 'sovereign of the entire planet' if hers is only one of multiple kingdoms?")


Lance: "Uh, who's gonna get to play the part of the young guy?"

Allura: "Why, of course, one of you!"

Lance: "Well, I know you want somebody who comes on real macho, so I guess it's gotta be me!"

Hunk: "You need a big, strong fella with bulging muscles who's all heart!"

Pidge: "How about somebody loaded with personality?"

Allura: "Keith?"

Keith: "No thanks. I'll stay here in case an emergency comes up."


Coran: "Now Hunk, remember: you must protect the Princess."

Hunk: "Yeah! Wow; it's like a dream, just me and the Princess."

Nanny (coughing): "And don't forget me!"

Hunk: "Hey! You goin' too?"

Nanny: "Of course! I'm going to protect you!"


"There's nothing so satisfying as a good fight between two evenly-matched robots!"

- King Zarkon reveals why the Voltron series goes on for so long


"Father will be pleased with the plan I have in mind. I intend to make Princess Allura my wife, and I will be ruler of Planet Arus without ever fighting a battle. It's an amusing thought."

- Prince Lotor fantasizes about Princess Allura being her willing wife and slave


Hunk: "I've been thinking: maybe if Princess had kissed Lotor on the bridge, that legend would have repeated itself, and our two planets would be at peace!"

Allura: "Never! That legend is about two people who loved each other, and nobody could love Lotor! I bet now even his own father doesn't like him very much!"

Notes and Goofs

  • Despite the episode's title, Princess Allura indicates that Chozzerai is in fact a coastal inlet. However, we can assume that it is in fact the arm of a river connecting the ocean to a salt-water sea.
  • When Princess Allura is describing the legend of the Love Bridge, she omits the word "they" when telling of how Kiere and Aldar threw stones into the sea to build a bridge between them.
  • Aldar's voice is the same as that used for 'Prince'(?) Bokar in "The Stolen Lion".
  • When determining the role of Aldar, Pidge instructs the Princess (who appears to be somewhat familiar with Earth's playing cards (which are based on the Minor Arcana of the Tarot) by this point) to draw any two cards in addition to the winning card, the Joker. Allura selects first the Ace of Hearts (which corresponds to the Ace of Cups, the highest card affiliated with water) and then the Ace of Clubs (which corresponds to the Ace of Wands, the highest card affiliated with fire). This reflects the elements of the two lions she is to pilot next: first her mainstay Blue Lion, then (temporarily) the Red Lion. This association is reinforced by Lance drawing the Ace of Clubs/Wands/Fire!
  • The Castle of Lions, which normally is surrounded by both Blue Lion Lake and dense forests, is now perched precariously on the edge of a cliff!