[On Planet Balto, numerous Baltans interact with touchscreen panels. A warning signal sounds off and the ninja-scientists don their chameleon suit hoods and run off. LOTOR walks through the vacant streets of a Baltan city.]
- LOTOR: "No one here to greet the mighty King Lotor?"
[Baltan Ninjas surround LOTOR from a distance and stand on the nearby buildings.]
- LOTOR: "Ah, there you are! I heard rumors that your people possess certain information about Voltron. His instruction manual if you will. You're going to give it to me."
[The Baltan ninjas jump down from the buildings.]
- LOTOR: "I was hoping it would come to this."
[LOTOR transforms himself into a samurai robeast.]
- LOTOR: "I'm ready!"
[The Baltan ninjas proceed to engage LOTOR in combat. At the Castle of Lions, PIDGE paces in his room attempting to contact CHIP via holophone while playing a video game.]
- CHIP'S VOICEMAIL: "Hey there! You reached Chip. I can't get to the holophone right now, but leave me a message and I'll get right back to you."
- PIDGE: "Chip, It's your brother—again. Call me back."
[Hunk enters the room.]
- HUNK: "Pidge! There you are. I've been waitin' for you in the hangar for an hour. Why are y—"
[PIDGE continues to play the video game in his hands to relieve stress.]
- HUNK: "Uh oh, your click clackin'. What's wrong little buddy?"
- PIDGE: "I'm worried about Chip."
- HUNK: "Your brother?"
- PIDGE: "Yeah, we talk every year on Intergalactic Ninja Appreciation Day. But I can't get in touch with him."
- HUNK: "Maybe he's busy today?"
- PIDGE: "It was a week ago. And it's not just him. I can't get in touch with anyone from Balto. It's like my entire planet has gone off the grid."
- HUNK: "Let's go talk to Keith."
[The entire Voltron Force gathers in the Castle of Lions' control room.]
- KEITH: "Pidge's right. There are no transmissions coming from Balto. And for a technology based planet that certainly means something's off."
- HUNK: "Well, the Voltron Force protects its own. I think we should go investigate to make sure my buddy's people are okay."
- LARMINA: "Wait, I'm confused. Pidge don't you always claim to be descended from...[small laugh] ninjas?"
- PIDGE: "Yes, the entire population of my planet are ninjas."
- VINCE: "Ninja-scientists."
- PIDGE: "Right."
[DANIEL and VINCE laugh]
- DANIEL: "What could possibly happen to a planet full of genius butt kicking ninja-scientists?"
- PIDGE: "My point exactly."
- LANCE: "Let's ride."
[The Voltron Force enter the Lions and travel to planet Balto.]
- VINCE: "This is creepy."
- DANIEL: "Yeah, creepy cool. It's like a ghost town."
- PIDGE: "Yeah, but it's not supposed to be. Where is everybody?"
- LARMINA: "Maybe their all indoors doing science-y things."
- PIDGE: "Not all of them. This is the city square. It's usually packed this time of night."
- LANCE: "Where does your brother live?"
- PIDGE: "Downtown."
- LANCE: "Let's start there."
- PIDGE: "Okay, follow me guys."
[PIDGE takes the lead in the Green Lion just before the Lions are pelted with ninja throwing stars.]
- HUNK: "Woah! Incoming! What the heck is that?"
- PIDGE: "Throwing stars!"
- LARMINA: "Your people aren't very friendly."
- LANCE: "Where are they coming from? I don't see anyone."
- PIDGE: "That's because they got their chameleon suits activated. But why would they be in stealth mode?"
- HUNK: "Whatever they're doin', tell them to knock it off! I just put a fresh coat of paint of these kitties."
- KEITH: "The Lions are too exposed. Let's find a more protected area and figure this out."
[The Black Lion takes a few steps forward.]
- PIDGE: "Wait! Stop! It's too crowded in here. If we move we'll crush them."
[A few more Baltan ninjas enter the scene.]
- KEITH: "Alright Pidge, do you have a better plan? These are your people."
[The Baltan ninjas deactivate their chameleon suits]
- PIDGE: "Yeah, and something is definitely wrong with them."
- VINCE: "They're zombies!"
- PIDGE: "They're not zombies! We need to figure out what happened to them. But, we can't continue in the Lions without crushing them. We'll have to go on foot."
[PIDGE gets up to leave the Green Lion's cockpit.]
- KEITH: "Wait, Pidge, we don't know if its safe."
[PIDGE exits the Green Lion to inspect the Baltans up close. The Baltans get closer while making moaning sounds.]
- PIDGE: "I think they're trying to tell us something."
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
- VINCE: "Brains? See, they are zombies!"
[A Baltan zombie grabs VINCE from behind. VINCE screams and attempts to use his Voltcom to defend himself.]
- PIDGE: "No!"
[PIDGE lunges towards VINCE to stop him from hurting the Baltan. They land on the street below.]
- VINCE: "Pidge! What the—"
- PIDGE: "We can't hurt them! They're still Baltans. They must be affected with some kind of virus."
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
- VINCE: "Uh—yeah! The zombie virus!"
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
[PIDGE places himself between VINCE and the Baltan zombies.]
- PIDGE: "Don't worry Vince. I gotcha covered."
- VINCE: "Pidge, no offense, but if we're about to attacked by zombies. I think I'd rather have—"
[The rest of the Voltron Force jumps down from the Lions.]
- VINCE: "—Them."
[The Voltron Force engages in hand-to-hand combat with the Baltan zombies.]
- PIDGE: "No! Don't hurt them!"
- LANCE: "You're welcome Pidge."
- KEITH: "If we don't defend ourselves. What do you expect us to do Pidge?"
[The Voltron Force stands surrounded by the Baltan zombies.]
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
- PIDGE: "Come on!"
[The Voltron Force flees.]
- VINCE: "We're fleeing on foot? Are you guys nuts? Have you ever seen a zombie movie?"
- PIDGE: "They aren't zombies!"
- LARMINA: "We lost them. In their own streets. Which means their slow and dumb. Maybe they're zombies after all."
[DANIEL mimics zombie movements.]
- DANIEL: "They're coming to get you, Larmina."
[LARMINA laughs and pushes DANIEL away as the rest of the Voltron Force catches up. The Baltan zombies trail not far behind.]
- VINCE: "Not slow, not dumb, and not just zombies. They're ninja-scientist zombies!"
[The Baltan zombies quickly approach them.]
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
- VINCE: "And they want to eat our brains! Run! Again!"
[The Voltron Force arrives at a nearby shopping mall.]
- PIDGE: "Quick, in here!"
[Everyone runs inside with the exception of VINCE who pauses outside.]
- VINCE: "A mall? Seriously? This is like Zombie 101. Never go into a—"
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
[The Baltan zombies catches up to VINCE as he is forcefully pulled inside by KEITH. KEITH and HUNK forcefully shut the doors. As LANCE barricades the doors the Baltan zombies attempt to get in but fail. The Baltan zombies back away.]
- LANCE: "So much for stocking up on supplies. Everything's locked down."
- VINCE: "Ohh man, this is bad."
- PIDGE: "Well, let's get moving. If we can sneak out the rear entrance, my brother's place isn't too far from here."
[The Voltron Force begins to walk away as the sound of breaking glass is heard.]
- VINCE: "What was that?!"
- PIDGE: "Uh oh."
[Explosive throwing stars penetrate the mall's glass doors.]
- PIDGE: "It's exploding ninja throwing stars!"
[The throwing stars explode and destroy the mall's entrance.]
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
[The Baltan zombies enter the mall and start chasing the fleeing Voltron Force again.]
- DANIEL: "Man look at that arcade! This mall is awesome! We definitely gotta come back here when we're not running for our lives!"
- LARMINA: "There's another fun-fun teenage couture outlet. That's like the third one I've seen."
- ALLURA: "I keep seeing the same store over and over again too. It's like we're running in circles."
- VINCE: "It's a zombie trap! Shoppers go in but they can't get out!"
- LANCE: "Vince, It's just a mall. All malls are like this. That said, let's see if we can find that exit Pidge. Uh—Pidge?"
[PIDGE and VINCE get separated from the rest of the Voltron Force.]
- VINCE: "Uh, Pidge?"
- PIDGE: "Not now Vince. I'm running."
- VINCE: "Yeah, but—"
- PIDGE: "I know. I'm breaking ten of the most basic rules of zombie movies."
- VINCE: "No, just one. But, it's a big one. Don't. Get. Separated!"
[The Baltan zombies quickly flock behind them.]
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
- PIDGE: "Get behind me Vince."
[Pidge summons a Smart Star from his Voltcom.]
- PIDGE: "I may not know how to stop zombies, but I know how to stop Ninjas."
- VINCE: "With one throwing star?"
[The Baltan zombies get closer. PIDGE throws his Smart Star and guides its path before splitting it into 4 separate Smart Stars. The Smart Stars pin a few of the Baltan zombies down.]
- BALTAN ZOMBIE: "Brraaiinss?"
- PIDGE: "I like to call em' Smart Stars."
[PIDGE summons more Smart Stars and quickly pins the remainder of the Baltan zombies.]
- VINCE: "Ninjalicious!"
- PIDGE: "I know. Come on!"
[PIDGE and VINCE hide around the corner near the exit guarded by a group of Baltan zombies. PIDGE summons and throws a Smart Star.]
- VINCE: "Aww, they can do recon?!"
[PIDGE proceeds to guide the Smart Star's path using his Voltcom before motion commanding it to explode.]
- VINCE: "I take it back. If we're about to be attacked by ninja-scientist zombies. I think you're the man to be with."
- PIDGE: "'Bout time you figured that out. Now, let's go find my brother."
[PIDGE and VINCE exit the mall.]
- HUNK: "We gotta find Pidge and Vince before the zombies get em'."
- DANIEL: "These zombies are totally weak. All they do is jump around and moan "braaiins". Nothin' to be worried—"
[A pair of Baltan zombies grab DANIEL.]
[The Baltan zombies abduct DANIEL.]
- DANIEL: "Help! I like my brains!"
- KEITH: "Come on!"
[The Voltron Force chase after a screaming DANIEL and his captors but fail.]
- LANCE: "That's. It. We have to get back to the Lions."
[The Baltan zombies flock around them.]
- KEITH: "Let's go."
[PIDGE and VINCE arrive at CHIP's appartment.]
- VINCE: "This is Chip's appartment?"
- PIDGE: "Yeah.
[PIDGE takes a few steps forward.]
- PIDGE: "What's wrong?"
[VINCE looks at the building with a horrified expression.]
- VINCE: "Uh, nothing."
[PIDGE and VINCE enter CHIP's appartment.]
- PIDGE: "Chip's not here."
- VINCE: "Darn. Does that mean we can get back to the Lions and go home?"
- PIDGE: "Not until I find out what's going on here."
[PIDGE activates a group of holographic panels.]
[PIDGE places his Voltcom close to the holographic display.]
- VINCE: "Uh, I hate to bring this up. Chip's not here. So, doesn't that mean he's probably a zombie too?"
- PIDGE: "Probably."
- VINCE: "So he's probably hangin' out with all the rest of the zombie ninja-scientists?"
- PIDGE: "Yup."
- VINCE: "And, we're gonna go crash the biggest zombie party in history?"
- PIDGE: "Yup."
- VINCE: "Okay, just—just wanted to be clear."
[The Voltron Force arrive at the Lions.]
[The Baltan zombies approach the Voltron Force slowly]
- BALTAN ZOMBIES: "Brrraaaaiiiinss."
[The Baltan zombies flee just before a cloud of smoke gathers.]
- ALLURA: "What would make them run away like that?"
- LANCE: "Something worse than ninja-zombies."
- HUNK: "Great. What could be worse than ninja-zombies?"
[The cloud of smoke dissipates and reveals LOTOR walking towards them.]
- LANCE: "Doesn't this guy ever learn?"
- KEITH: "Apparently not."
- LARMINA: "Goodie."
[LOTOR draws his sword and drags its along the pavement.]
- LOTOR: "Long have I waited for this moment."
- HUNK: "Who talks like that?"
- LOTOR: "When I faced you in the past, I lacked the sufficient power to beat you. But now—"
[LOTOR transforms himself into a gaint samurai robeast.]
- LOTOR: "—Victory will be mine!"
- HUNK: "Okay, samurai robeast Lotor. That's actually pretty scary."
- LOTOR: "I don't want to fight your Lions. To defeat you anything less than full power would be a disgrace."
- KEITH: "Then Voltron he'll get. Activate interlocks! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Mega thrusters are go!"
- KEITH: "Form feet and legs! Form arms and body! And, I'll form the head!"
[The Voltron Force successfully form Voltron.]
- KEITH: "Alright team get ready for battle. Who knows what Lotor's robeast has to throw at us?"
[The samurai robeast charges forward and begins attacking Voltron in hand-to-hand combat as Voltron blocks. PIDGE and VINCE track down CHIP's chameleon suit and run into a dead end.]
- PIDGE: "I don't get it. The signature from Chip's chameleon suit leads here."
- VINCE: "A dead end? Do I need to mention zombies love dead ends? Almost as much as malls?"
- PIDGE: "This isn't a dead end. It's an elevator."
- VINCE: "It's—"
[PIDGE and VINCE suddenly are lowered down the elevator shaft below them as VINCE screams the entire way down. They fall out of the elevator shaft at the bottom and recover quickly.]
- VINCE: "Daniel would've love that. Me? Not so much."
- PIDGE: "How I am supposed to find Chip in here?"
- VINCE: "What is this place?"
[PIDGE and VINCE walk around the underground brain farming facility before spotting MAAHOX.]
- PIDGE: "Maahox!"
- VINCE: "What he doing?"
- MAAHOX: "Oh, don't talk about me like I'm not here. You may have ninja in your blood, but you sure make a noisy entrance."
[PIDGE attempts to charge forward but halts when MAAHOX puts his hand on a lever.]
- MAAHOX: "Ah—ah, you make one move and I hit the kill switch. You're smart, you can probably figure out what that does."
- PIDGE: "What are you doing to my people?"
- MAAHOX: "What does it look like? Mining their brains for information. Oh, and turning them into Haggarium-infused zombies. Small side effect."
- PIDGE: "What information could the Baltans possibly have that you want?"
- MAAHOX: "Oh dear. Pidge, do you really not know your own people's history?"
- VINCE: "What's he talking about?"
- MAAHOX: "And the magic cadet. I would think you should know this too. The ancient Baltans were responsible for the original programming for your precious Voltron."
- PIDGE: "What?"
- MAAHOX: "Oh, it's so fun to educate. You wanna know something else? As soon I'm done mining this information from the depths of these brains, the Baltans will all be vegetables and I'll know how to power down Voltron forever."
[A set of brain vacuuming devices finish up on a group of Baltans.]
- MAAHOX: Oop, that batch is done. Now, go fetch me some more brains."
[The Baltan zombies leave.]
- VINCE: "Well, at least they weren't going to eat our brains."
- MAAHOX: "No, but I imagine the brains of the Voltron Force must be useful as well. What do you think?"
[A pair of Baltan zombies drag an unconcious DANIEL.]
[The Baltan zombies secure him on an examination table.]
- PIDGE: "You're about to get the entire brain trust!"
[PIDGE attempts to communicate with the rest of the Voltron Force via his Voltcom.]
- PIDGE: "Calling all Lions!"
- MAAHOX: "Sorry to disappoint, but your friends will not be coming to help you. They're a little preoccupied."
[ Voltron is pushed back and knocked down by the samurai robeast.]
- LARMINA: "We can't match these moves!"
- KEITH: "It's time to form Bla—"
[The samurai robeast interupts with punch and knocks Voltron backwards.]
- LARMINA: "Energy Star! Waaahh!"
[ Voltron lauches an exploding ninja star that knocks itself and the samurai robeast backwards from the impact. The samurai robeast quickly recovers and hits Voltron.]
- ALLURA: "This isn't working. Voltron wasn't designed to fight in such close quater hand-to-hand combat."
- LANCE: "We need a new strategy."
- LARMINA: "How about a new power?"
- KEITH: "What do you mean Larmina?"
- LARMINA: "I mean we gotta fight fire with fire. Take this thing on with martial arts. Kung-fu, capoeira, jiu-jitsu, whatever works."
- HUNK: "Great idea in theory. But as Allura just said. That's just isn't in Voltron's bag of tricks."
- LARMINA: "Are you sure? Because neither was the speed boost until Daniel came along and plugged in his Voltcom."
- HUNK: "And?"
- LARMINA: "And nobody's plugged me in yet."
- KEITH: "Larmina, I appreciate your bravery, but—"
- LARMINA: "Keith, have you seen me do kung-fu? Trust me on this."
[LARMINA plugs her Voltcom in to Voltron via the Green Lion.]
- LARMINA: "Butt kick boost!"
[Voltron, now energized with a power boost, blocks the samurai robeast's flurry of attacks.]
- LARMINA: "Roundhouse kick!"
[ Voltron sends the samurai robeast flying backwards with a kick. Voltron follows up with another kick. The samurai robeast recovers and draws his sword.]
- LARMINA: "Sword fight huh?"
[The samurai robeast readies his sword for combat.]
- LARMINA: "Let's do it!"
- KEITH: "Form Blazing Sword!"
[ Voltron summons a sword and begins charging toward the samurai robeast. The samurai robeast charges towards Voltron as well. Meanwhile, Baltan zombies corner PIDGE and VINCE in the underground brain farming facility. PIDGE summons Smart Stars from his Voltcom and proceeds to throw them. The Baltan zombies are pinned down by the Smart Stars.]
- MAAHOX: "You're ninja skills are impressive Pidge."
[MAAHOX takes his hand off the kill switch and walks away laughing as Baltan zombies surround PIDGE. VINCE sneaks off to use his Voltcom to access MAAHOX's equipment.]
- VINCE: "Reverse Haggarium effect. Come on. Come on!"
[VINCE fails to get into MAAHOX's equipment.]
- VINCE: "Ungh, Snartbags!"
[PIDGE fends off the Baltan zombies while Voltron clashes swords with the samurai robeast elsewhere.]
- LARMINA: "I got this."
[ Voltron knocks the samurai robeast backwards.]
- LARMINA: "Blazing Katana!"
[ Voltron summons a katana and destroys the samurai robeast's sword with both blades. Voltron paralyzes the samurai robeast by striking its head and then sends him flying with a kick.]
- LARMINA: "Heh, Pwned."
[The samurai robeast shrinks and transforms back into LOTOR.]
- LARMINA: "Flawless. Victory."
[LOTOR communicates with MAAHOX remotely.]
- LOTOR: "Maahox, you're stupid plan failed again. Evacuate immediately. They're coming."
[MAAHOX vacates the underground brain farming facility. PIDGE continues to fend off the Baltan zombies as VINCE trys to access MAAHOX's equipment.]
- VINCE: "Reverse those brain vacuums. Come on baby. Work!"
[VINCE succeeds to get into MAAHOX's equipment and reverses the brain vacuums and Haggarium side effects.]
- PIDGE: "VINCE! You did it!"
[One of the Baltan ninjas takes off their hood and reveals himself to be CHIP.]
- CHIP: "Pidge?!"
- PIDGE: "Chip!"
- CHIP: "What are you doing here? And, where is here anyway?"
- PIDGE: "Long story."
- VINCE: "Underground brain farm."
[VINCE frees DANIEL from his restraints.]
- VINCE: "Turned you all into zombies."
- CHIP: "Ninja-scientist zombies? That's ridiculous."
[The rest of the Voltron Force enter the room.]
- HUNK: "Tell me about it."
- CHIP: "Hunk! Long time, no see!"
- LARMINA: "You guys totally missed it! I plugged into Voltron and was all like, Hiyah! Woo! Yah! Rising kick! Ki—wah!"
- PIDGE: "Maahox used some kind of brain vacuum to suck information out of the Baltans."
- ALLURA: "Yet another planet that had a hand in its creation. Voltron's story is getting more and more interesting."
- KEITH: "How much information was Maahox able to collect before you shut him down?"
- VINCE: "Looks like he was about halfway done."
- HUNK: "Oh that's not so bad. Right?"
- LARMINA: "Yeah, well, if the samurai robeast is the best he can do. I say bring it on!"
[MAAHOX travels in his ship while examining the information he was able to retrieve.]
- MAAHOX: "You certainly are fascinating gaint robot aren't you."
[The episode ends as Maahox laughs evilly whilst flying away into the distance.]