Well,I had an idea.
Can you make an Au when everything is the same except...?
For example: An au when everything is the same except that Lance has powers or whatever.
I don't know if you understand me but I tried.
Well,I had an idea.
Can you make an Au when everything is the same except...?
For example: An au when everything is the same except that Lance has powers or whatever.
I don't know if you understand me but I tried.
How do you think a Wandavision Au would be?
Any ship is valid.
Its perfect
My aunt have the book and I can't remember the name right now,(I only can Tell you that It was a School book)but you can search "Gregor Mendel" in Google.
Or something like that.
Okey,I just want to tell this :v
When I listen "Lower your expectations" (Bo Burnham's Song),I always think that Lance is singing this song,and It's funny,but a little bit strange.
Search the song and tell me what do you think please. :'v
Ok,I just had an idea and I want to share It.
Yesterday I read a book where he spoke of a "gene" dominate,it said that many times a child is more like a father / mother because that is the domi gene,and that made me think that although Keith is half Galra he looks more like a human,so the domi gene is of his father.
But in the book It also said that the non-dominant gene usually manifests itself in the second generation.
So ... is it likely that if Keith had a son / daughter (you choose) that child would look a lot like a Galra?
I imagine a daughter,sorry.
(My English is lousy
Maybe Hunay
Lance :D
I like Lotus ":)
But Lotus is not a canon Planet LoL
How the Alteans(for example)can speak our lenguage?
Like "Hi! I'm an alien that never have Contact with a human and I'm talking with you anyways!"
Just watch the show and do as little research as possible until you're done watching.
Beware of Spoilers
I know that I'm going to end my life alone but my favorite is Lance ._.
1- Lance
2 - Keith
3 - Pidge
4 - Hunk
5 - Allura or Shiro I'm not sure
I don't know where I have to put Coran.
Maybe it would be a good ship if it weren't for the fact that only at the beginning Pidge is 15 and Shiro 23 approximately.
Just imagine WTF
And we are here again.
I'm going to say the same things, if you don't read the part 1 and 2,I recomendded you to look those parts.
The paladins can't believe it,ten years in an hour.
They stay talking with the members of Marmora,about all the things that passed in this time.
"And....Why Lance is not in this mision?"
Veronica looks so afraid.
"I'm so sorry,Lance was waiting for this mision all his life"
"He really wanted to save his friends,and now...he is doing It"
"Wait,what are you talking about?"
"Lance is dead,he sacrificed his life to save Voltron"
"I'm so sorry"
"Why?" "How?" "Lance can't be dead"
"He is dead,and we can't change this"
"We were in a dangerous planet with some tripulation and...him,five years ago;we had to take a plant,that plant was poisonous,but It had the form to save you"
"Lance...got poisoned?"
"No,but when we cut It,the planet began to crumble, leaving a deadly liquid all over it floor.We tried to scape,but we had to leave the leaf of that plant,Lance can't did that,so he returned to cut other leaf again,the tripulation and me were in the spaceship,waiting for Lance,but...He knew that he was not going to arrive at time,I tried to help him,but he shouted "NO!" and then...he shot me"
"Shot you!?"
"Shot my armor...When they checked It,they found the plant, stuck...here"
Veronica pointed a part of her armor,with a mark in it.
"Lance didin't arrive at time?"
"Yes.... suddenly,the planet exploded,and the space became white for some seconds"
I used the Google traductor in some parts,so sorry if you can't understand
49 Votes in Poll
You have a great point,and....about "Quiznak"...I'd like yo know how many curse words are in English lenguage,because in my country "Quiznak" will be a lot of things.(I speak spanish) :)
Here is the second part of the "history" I was writing.
If you find this part before to find the first, I recommend you look for part 1.
At the end of the part 1,when the paladins were trapped in the studio with Bob (The show host),a man appeared and the lights went out.
He shot up and led the paladins out of the studio.
The presenter smiled and said: "Good luck,my friends, you realy will need It"
"17" brought they to a spaceship and in that moment,they can saw his face.Well,not his face,because he had a mask and a hood.
"¿Who are you?" "¿How you can save us?" "¿Why?".
He didin't talk,he just sitted in the pilot's seat and nothing more.
Keith didin't trust him,but he can't did anything,the paladins tried to contact their lions,without get results.
"We need to know how you can save us"
"We can stay here anymore" "Leave us in a planet where we can have information"
The misterious man only say "NO" with his head.
"¡You can't hold us!"
When our heroes take them beiyars (the Voltron arms,I don't know how yo write that) three persons appeared and they fell on top of them, holding them face down on the floor.
The misterious persons were of the Blade of Marmora, because they had the unirforms,but Allura noted that only one of them have a blade.
"17" continued driving like nothing was happening and with a gesture say :"Leave them". (One of the members traduce this)
The voice of the traductor was very familiar.
After a while, they landed on a planet where there seemed to be no life.
17 said (with gestures) "We have to stay here to recharge,so you know what you want to do,you can find me in the spaceship,if you need my help or something."
The rest of the tripulators stay in silence when 17 leave us.
"You are of the blade of Marmora,¿What are you doing here?"
When one of them asked :
"We can't lose this mision" " We miss Voltron"
When the member of the sword of Marmora took off her mask,the paladins can saw his real face.
"A while passed"
"Wh-what?! When you converted in a part of the Blade?"
"Mmm....really I can't remember"
"Since you disappeared,she trained hard"
The next face was a surprise too
"Welcome back,Keith"
Hunk dared to ask :And...¿Who are you?"
The ultimate member said :"You and Pidge know who I am"
She took off her mask.
"For the people that they don't know me,my name is Veronica and I'm Lance's old sister,a time passed"
"Wow,It is a surprise,the lions are in the earth?"
"Yes,when they came,we were wating the paladins too,but only Shiro,Romelle,Coran and Lance was in the lions."
Pidge was confussed:
"But...this not make sense,we would arrive in a few days,but only passed an hour"
"An hour!?"
"Yes,only an hour"
Romelle understood.
"Ok,this is not easy to say but...while for you only an hour passed..."
"...For us passed 10 years"
(Ok,my strange history start to be a very strange history,I want to tell you again that I am from Argentina,so I speak spanish,sorry if you don't understand me,you can correct me in the comments.)
I'm new here,but not in the Voltron fandom,(in my opinion)
A week ago,I was listening to music and an Idea came to my mind,so I was thinking in this too much,and now,in my opinion,this not make sense.
(Before to start,I want to tell that I am from Argentina,so I speak spanish,sorry if you don't understand me good)
So....do you remember the chapter when the paladins were in a game?(One of my favorites)
At the moment when they had to vote who would come out of there something happened (I don't remember) and Lance is the one chosen to leave,not all of them came out, only him.He promised that he will find the way to save them.
Lance left and the rest of the paladins (Keith,Hunk,Pidge,Allura) stood there for about an hour.They were in a totally black room,trying to scape and talking,suddenly,they appeared in the "studio" where the show is broadcast.
Are you understanding me? Because I don't
The host of the program told them that they just have to wait.
Suddenly,a strange person appeared and the lights went out.
Maybe we could call that one by the name "17"
I don't want to tell more at this moment,but maybe I write the second part.
I was thinking about this all the day,and I concluded that it does not make sense.
¿And you?
(I haven't seen Voltron for a long time, so sorry if this is written without names and without specifying anything)
¡No tengo elección! (Spanish on) I choose Allurance because I don't like Keith x Allura,I think they are people that they like it,but I don't
(Sorry if my English is not so good) 🥀☔