DragonWarriorWizard·8/10/2021in GeneralDay 2:Which lion would you like to pilot?Probably the blue lion because it’s better in water, has the freezing ray, and I find the sonar really cool.Green Lion (Legendary Defender)Blue Lion (Legendary Defender)Black Lion (Legendary Defender)Red Lion (Legendary Defender)
PhantomKracK·2/20/2021in Generalwhy did Keith turn down a deal to be the emperor of the galra empire ShiroKeith (Legendary Defender)Voltron: Legendary DefenderVoltron PilotVoltron: Defender of the UniverseBlack Lion (Legendary Defender)NetflixGalra Empire (Legendary Defender)
Herman tmrs·9/28/2020in GeneralAm I the only oneAm I the only one who thinks that black lion kinda looks like a hippogriff?With the wings and the figure...ShiroBlack Lion (Legendary Defender)
NatTheArtist·8/18/2020in GeneralWhich lion would you want to pilot?BlackGreen RedBlueYellowVote112 Votes in PollGreen Lion (Legendary Defender)Blue Lion (Legendary Defender)Black Lion (Legendary Defender)